List of properties

Get familiar with several fundamental ObjectGears system properties. You can find more detailed information in the documentation or in the blog examples.


Definition of model

The model is a top level object with purpose to separate user functionality in ObjectGears system into logical groups. Models are by default separated - they can have different administrators/developers, they can have different roles assigned, they have their own documentation. In case of need models can interface each other.

You can find more detailed information in the documentation of model.

Columns and classes

List of columns in a class Task

Data are stored in classes and their columns. These are stored in the database in fom of tables. There is couple of column types (text, integer, reference, date, file...) each with a rich set of various settings.

User defines class behavior for insert, update and delete operations, sets roles for access rights, involves classes in inheritance, switches on archiving, time operations and defines other settings.

It is also possible to define common columns in the parent class and in line with the object oriented approach set up rules in the child classes (polymorphism).


Query summarizing rules of approval competencies

Sometimes it is necessary to work with data from more tables or to summarize them. For these cases it is necessary to create ObjectGears query that combines data from classes or other queries. The query is then used same like a class - data source of webparts, reports, time operations...

You can utilize the full strength of the used database (MS SQL Server) including stored procedures in queries.

You can find further information in the documentation of classes, queries and columns.


Menu is automatically generated in the left part of the screen.

Menu with class, query and page overview is generated for each model automatically. This menu is suitable for smaller models. However, it is better to divide the menu according to the class purpose for more extensive models. Some auxiliary classes do not need to be shown in the menu, classes with reference master data can be placed in a submenu and the main menu can keep just the most frequently used classes and queries.

ObjectGears system enables the user the search a text in the menu. After entering this text, only items containing the searched text are displayed. This helps users to find what they need also in extensive models.

Příklad zvláštního menu

Users often prefer one big menu over the whole screen that is used as a guidepost in the application. You can create as much these menus as you want and link them together. Then you can have one page with a general navigation, page for ITIL prcoesses, page for CRM and other pages for navigation in other applications.

Example of a special menu

Example of a special menu

Example of a special menu

Example of a special menuU

You can find further information in the documentation of menu.


Once you create classes, define their columns, relations and inheritance and fill in data, you will need to filter the data both in classes, queries, reports, master-detail relations, imports and exports...

You can use for that:

  1. Quick filter - for a simple fast filtering
  2. Complex filter for definition of conditions formulated in different ways and their logical combination


The system enables to perform global search across user data. This requires two conditions to be met:

  1. There is a global search enabled on level of text column
  2. The user has to have access right for the record of the given class/query.

This means you can restrict the extent of columns you use for a search and access rights are reflected as well.

Data presentation

ObjectGears data can be presented in various ways. Use the most appropriate one for particular case.

Pages and webparts

Example of a page

Displaying data by means of list of records or detail of a single record is not always sufficient. Therefore, it is possible to create pages to which you can insert various webparts. Pages can have any look and layout of webpart that you need.

There are many webparts at disposal - e.g. HtmlText, Display of records in the grid, Report, Dictionary, Calendar, Time axis, Script, Percentage data display and other.

You can find further information in the documentation of pages.


Scheme example

Schemes are an effective way of drawing relations between records that you want to highlight. If you are keeping records of IT configuration items you might be interested in which business processes are supported by a particular server through applications running on it (which processes might be impacted by the server outage). Another scheme my draw relation of the server to server farms or clusters or relation of a virtual server to hardware or datacenters.

You can be also interested in relation of sales representatives to territories, customers or brokers. There are many situations when a scheme is a psychologically more suitable display form than lists of records.


Example of reports

ObjectGears provides various report types that user can create according to their needs. Creating a report is very simple. You just need to define several parameters according to the report type and then execute it.

Apart from basic reports like list of records, pivot table, bar, column, circle, bubble or radar chart there are also specific reports (timemap, treemap, sunburst, monthly calendar).

You can find further information in the documentation of reports.


Form with list of records

After creating classes and queries there are pages with list of queries created by the system. There is paging, filtering and sorting available in the overview. By means of rules or scripts records can be higlighted in colours.

There is also a form available displaying a single record that is used for creating or changing a record.

Display of subordinate records from linked classes (master-detail relations) can be set up in the detail form.

Responsive design

Responsive design for anything you create.

Everything that you create in the system is ready also for displaying on mobile devices. Forms will get adapted to display size and proportions of mobile phone and tablets.


ObjectGears supports processes in several ways.


Example of a simple workflow in the designer

Workflow enables to define a sophisticated process that involves more steps. You can define the workflow in a simple graphical editor with possibility of scripting. You can of course use more versions of a single workflow including changing it on the fly.

You can find further information in the documentation of workflow.


Jobs are used for a regular execution of operations like import, export, script or workflow. You can create whatever number of jobs and assign them various execution schemes.

You can find further information in the documentation of jobs.

Automated time operations

This function is used for a simple checking of time defined in records and responding to it in form of sending notifications, execution of workflow or scripts.

Example of a use case is monitoring of approaching deadlines for orders or service requests, validity of certifications or examinations when you want to send at certain times prior expiration an email with reminder to employees, students, assistants or managers. If the deadline is not met you may let the system respond with an automated escalation email or workflow asking for an action by manager.

For each event you can set up to five levels of operations - e.g. from the initial reminder two month in advance, then two weeks prior the deadline, serious notification in the given day and two escalations after the deadline.

You can find further information in the documentation of time operations.

Access control

The system supports various settings of access rights to objects according to user rights. The settings utilize roles and organizational structures.


Access rights for particular objects are not assigned directly to users but indirectly by means of roles. The advantage of this solution is utilized in case of user joining/leaving/changing in the organization because you just add and remove particular roles and user gains/loses access to a set of objects.

Roles should reflect functional roles in the company - e.g. assistant, sales person, accountant, quality manager...

Organizational structure

Example of organizational structure

You can set access for particular roles in a class or query. This will grant the access to all the records in the class/query. By means of organizational structures you can restrict access to particular records according to the org. structure.

Structures can be used for an access via teams or managerial structure. User on a regional position can see data of the whole region, user on a country position can see data of the whole country and user without subordinates can see only his records. Therefore, you can have more teams (that depend or not each on another) that will have only "their own" data available. ObjectGears enables to combine various structure types and access without structures so you will always achieve what you want.


The system contains an extensive logging and data archiving. You can therefore easily find out who and when did what or when an export, import, script etc. were executed.


No system can exist isolated in today world. It is always necessary to integrate it in neighbouring systems by means of imports and exports for data transfers or calling/executing functions of the given system. There are other integrations available on the database level.

You can find further information in the documentation of cooperation with neighbourhood.


Exports enable to get data from the ObjectGears system to Excel, csv or xml file. This export can be stored in a network drive or downloaded and displayed to the user.


Imports are important for getting data from neighbouring systems. You can import from csv, xml, MS Active Directory, Exchange...

Scripts for execution

Scripts for execution are used for a remote execution of a script in the ObjectGears system. Script is independent from classes and you can pass input parameters to it by means of URL. The script can return a text or a file to the calling routine. Scripts can be executed via http request or by means of a web service. The execution is of course subject of access rights assigned to the calling user.

Web services

Support of web services is implemented for a number of objects. Work with data (reading, creating, updating or deleting of records) is enabled. There are other services for handling export and import execution, work with workflow or event activation. This enables you to create operations in the system and activate them externally.

Database integration

All the objects of the system are stored in a single database. The database structure is quite simple and it is possible (if certain rules are observed) to perform extensions or integrations (export, import) directly on the database level.

You can add your own stored procedures and views into the database and then use them in ObjectGears e.g. in queries, scripts or jobs.

Localization and notifications

ObjectGears system is designed for a global use. Therefore, it is localized in several languages (GUI). User metadata (names of models, classes, queries, reports, columns, descriptions, tooltips...) can be localized into whatever language. Users can choose a language which they prefer and work in it with the system.

You can find further information in the documentation of localization.


List of language settings

The ObjectGears system core (GUI) is localized into three languages EN, DE and CZ. Names of models, classes, columns...can be localized in whatever language.

You can easily localize also error and informatory messages from scripts.

Notifications and email templates

Example of an email from model EasyTask

Email notifications can be sent after specific events, e.g. creation of record in the class. These notifications can be set in advance including localization in various languages.

Notification can be sent also by means of scripts.

On top of that there are email templates at your disposal, that enable a single set up of appearance for all the outgoing emails. In the notifications only the text of the message will be defined.

You can find further information in the documentation of notifications.


Even if we try to enable maximum of features by configuration (on click), we do not forget extensibility by means of coding.

You can find further information in the documentation of programming extensions.


You can use scripting in JavaScript in number of places of the system - an effective way of functionality extension.


In some cases it is appropriate to enable use of an external .NET code (where you need complexity of .NET environment, object approach or where you put emphasis on highest possible processing speed). Therefore it is possible to extend the functionality by modules implemented in .NET. Module functions are called by means of scripts and so you can easily extend the system with your particular functionalities.


ObjectGears system contains many other functionalities. Check the documentation and blog examples.

Ready-made models for free

Also the FREE version contains all the ready-made models that you can use for your needs freely, including modification and subsequent commercial activities in ObjectGears system.

We plan to create number of further models and also support their creation by community and third parties.