Microsoft Graph - Office 365



Get information about Office 365 licenses, those available and those allocated to users, and other data from Microsoft API Graph.



You can see current amount of available licenses and amount allocated to users in Office 365. However, you cannot see history of these values. In situation when utilization of licenses by particular users develops in time, you have no clue to distribute payment for licenses to particular teams or groups of users.

What will ObjectGears do for you?

  • We store the data into a model – on premise or cloud service.
  • We make the data available to customer for further processesing.
  • We use them in Cost allocation solution (cross-charging cost to customer cost objects - teams, organization units, countries...).

current amount of available licenses and amount allocated to users in Office 365

Data in context

Our solution will put the data in context. Take a look whether user with an expensive license actually needs it. If you e.g. see that the user has only a mobile phone assigned (e.g. because he or she is an external developer), a cheaper license may be sufficient. We can identify all these situations for you.

What you can see in Office 365 

Office 365 will display just current state.

Current status of licenses


What ObjectGears will provide

In ObjectGears you will see development in time for each license - assigned and available quantities.

License history detail


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