News in version 1.5: My tasks


We have implemented new useful functions into the new version. One of them is modification of the page My tasks. There are not only tasks from workflow displayed on this page now, but also records (tasks) that are assigned to you in whatever class may be displayed here.

You just configure the given class, select columns assigned and completed and if necessary define filter for record restriction. Tasks from the class will then be displayed, if the user has access right READ in the given class. Users have then possibility to display everything what they need to work on in a single place. They do not need to go through various classes (incidents, changes, problems...) any more. You do not even need to inform them about being assigned someting. If they check this general queue regularly, they will know about the tasks without email notifications being sent to them.

My tasks

And as usually, the new function is available after just couple of clicking, without complicated programming.


Your ObjectGears team