ObjectGears statistics 2015


In this article we would like to briefly outline development of ObjectGears from the perspective of this system extent.

Following table shows development of software statistics in major releases.

Released 11/2012 6/2014 9/2014 2/2015 9/2015
Number of aspx pages 106 154 160 161 162
Number of webparts 1 13 16 18 19
Number of source code lines (LOC) * 114 673 259 796 269 504 280 616 301 939
Number of documentation pages (in one language) 409 515 535 596 660

*) LOC (lines of code) - Number of code lines determined by means of program LocMetrics.exe. Number of source code lines is still one of elementary metrics of the extent of a software system, even though there are issues associated with it (e.g. software produced by means of code generators has a higher number of lines than an optimized code). For comparison...Program WordPress in version 3.5 contains more than 200 thousand source code lines.


Following chart displays evolution of selected metrics in 2014 - 2015.