Case study: Project resources management in CSOB Leasing


We have prepared the case study after a succesful deployment of the new project resources management system in CSOB Leasing. The study was published in the September issue of the CIO Business World journal.

To stay on top of the market requires vision definition, its step by step realization, proper response to trends and readiness to change what the company is doing and how it is doing. Successful companies manage changes as projects. There are tens of projects taking place in CSOB Leasing at every moment and hundreds of people participating in them. Projects represent a large investment from financial point of view and an organizational challenge from managerial point of view. These are two reasons why the project portfolio has to be managed. CSOB Leasing was using a system for project portfolio and project resources management based on MS Project Server and an add-on application. This solution did not suit due to its overall complexity, lack of user friendliness, high operational cost and lack of other functions necessary for project management.

The vision embraced a single system enabling a simple resource distribution into the whole project portfolio, detailed planning in particular projects, simple reporting and support for an effective team collaboration.

Major contributions of the solution

  • Overview of the whole project portfolio and its structure – it is clear what particular projects cost
  • Possibility of a detailed team members planning on particular projects – avoiding collisions in resource requirements
  • Support for effective project team collaboration – collaboration tool