Knowledge management
The objective of the Knowledge management process is to ensure that the right information is provided to the right person at the right time in order an informed decision can be done.
ObjectGears provides two solutions for Knowledge Management: Knowledge Base and Version Controlled Documentation. Contact us to find out which of them will better meet your needs. Both options can be actually operated in a FREE version ObjectGears.
Knowledge management is important e.g. in relation to the Change management process (ITIL v3 Service transition).
Examples of a successful change based on appropriate knowledge management are:
- Users, Service desk, solvers and vendors understand new and changing services including known errors accepted before the release.
- Awarness about a service and cancellation of original services.

Effective Knowledge management is an excelent way of sharing knowledge among individuals and teams. Knowledge transfer is a key factor of a successful change and readiness of a new service operation no matter if user and support teams training or other subject informing is concerned.
Examples of screens
Knowledge base article
Each knowledge base article has its code, by means of which it can be easily looked up (similarly to other ObjectGears entities), it is classified in order to manage access to information with different confidentiality level and is categorized into topic that it solves.
Knowledge base article 2
It is possible to use tables within the article text and refer to ObjectGears places by means of relative references, to places outside ObjectGears by means of absolute references or to other knowledge articles. There can be information panels inserted into articles, configuration items selected, files attached and corresponding articles selected. In the bottom right corner users can assess the articles.
Configuration item referred in article
If we choose configuration items, which the article relates to, corresponding references will appear at these configuration items. When the administrators solve then an incident or plan a change of the configuration item, they can see not only overview of related configuration items, previous incidents and changes etc., but also overview of knowledge articles that solve the given item.
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