provide the customer immediately with wide possibilities of ready-made models, configuration, display and reporting



Become partners

Are you looking for a software, that you could offer to your customers? Become our partners!

Use ObjectGears system in your project and provide the customer immediately with wide possibilities of ready-made models, configuration, display and reporting.
You can benefit from using FREE version for a lower number of users (up to 25 users).

We are offering you a cooperation when selling ObjectGears licenses and solution development:

  1. Mark-up from license sales (lower license purchase prices).
  2. Revenue from implementation activities at the customer.
  3. Support from ObjectGears in presales, marketing and implementation.

Recommend ObjectGears

ObjectGears staff will solve both business and implementation parts.

Sell ObjectGears

ObjectGears staff will provide you with presales support. You will realize the business.

Implement ObjectGears

You will realize the implementation. ObjectGears staff will provide you with support on demand.

Recommend, sell or implement ObjectGears

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