Programme and portfolio management
Larger organizations with many projects need to control besides particular projects also their groups (programmes), that aim to realize longterm organization objectives, and portfolios, containing programmes and projects, that are prioritized according to the organization targets.
Following picture represents a simplified view on project, programme and portfolio management.

There are portfolios, containing programmes and projects selected according to their accordance with organization strategy, on top of the pyramid. Based on decision on this level programmes, that target on achieving certain goal, are sponsored. At the bottom of the pyramid there are projects representing a tactical level. Their objective is delivery of some output within scope, buget and time.
Unlike programmes, projects are not owners of strategic initiatives, but take over inputs from programmes and develop and implement tactical plans. Projects are evaluated from the perspective of meeting the scope, budget and planned time, programmes from the perspective of meeting strategic objectives.
Relation between projects, programmes and portfolios can be, however, more complex. Following picture shows concept of their relations in the fourth edition of PMBOK.

Example of screens
Portfolio detail
Key attributes of a portfolio are name, code, owner and possibly parent portfolio. In the below part of the screen we can see overviews of subordinate portfolios, programmes and projects and also portfolio roadmap - plan of resources (mandays, money) for particular years.
Programme detail
Key attributes of a programme are name, code, owner and possibly parent portfolio or programme. In the below part of the screen we can see overviews of subordinate programmes and projects and also programme roadmap - plan of resources (mandays, money) for particular years.
Take a look at our article Effective Project Portfolio Management.