ObjectGears provides number of well thought-out solutions from operations to projects and strategic planning. Big advantage of ObjectGears is the full scale of IT processes that the customer gets and what they bring together (synergy benefits).
However, uniqueness consists above all in the platform enabling to develop great solutions. Let`s demonstrate it on an example.
Some systems also enable to create own tables by users, though in a limited way (do not support e.g. inheritance, multiple references or various operations in the class - rules, time operations, scripting, schemes, calendar display etc.). Nevertheless, try to ask what are the possibilities of other systems in creation of queries (views) over the given classes.
Can the user easily filtrate the query results, freely combine various conditions AND and OR and use operations depending on data type?
Can the filter be also specified in URL in order that the user receives correctly filtered query results just by clicking on a link in an email?
Can the filter be modified also in a script that adapts the query results before displaying list of query records e.g. according to who is accessing, from where or what are his/her roles?
Can the query data be accessed also via web services? Is it possible to specify also filter within the web service, that will return only required data?
Can the access rights on query be managed and are these access rights respected also when accessing via web services?
Can both the list of query records and a form with a single record be displayed with different set of columns?
Can the query results be easily formatted?
Can the values in query work as links to particular records in various classes?
Can more links to various records be included in a single query field?
Can a regular automated check of query results and execution of various actions be set up (e.g. email notificatons, workflow etc.)?
You will often here this answer: "This is not possibile from nature. Query is a set of records only for reading...another functionality is out of its possibilities." That`s an technocratic answer. In ObjectGears we try to enable the users simply get what they need. Therefore, below stated list of records user gets from several tables by means of a simple SQL syntax including links working like the user expects.

ObjectGears provides number of other features for an effective development with the objective to increase productivity of solution designers and bring it closer to users who are not programmers but want to/need to participate on creation of systems. Take a look on the overview of another extra benefits, that you get with ObjectGears.