Examples of a fast development
One of elementary ObjectGears ideas is to enable a fast application development without programming skills. This enables to span the gap between business user and developer. A key user, business architect or analyst therefore can create solutions in ObjectGears in a form of designing consisting in clicked-on properties instead of their coding. Hereinafter we show couple of examples of this approach.
1. Report creation
We can create reports with couple of clicking based on data structures that we have defined. We define report name, description and group to which the report belongs to. Further, we select display type (list of records, pivot table, various chart types...). We choose also data source (model and class or query) and according to the report type we select data for particular chart axis or columns or fields of report.

2. Record filtering
We can use records filter with whatever class that we define. We can use filter for a fast filtering or build a filter by combining conditions. The filter can be saved and loaded again or sent to somebody else in form of Url.

3. Data display in form of a calendar / time line
Any data containg information about time can be easily displayed in form of calendar or time line. The model designer selects in the definition of the given class corresponding columns containg date, description or colour of the bar in the calendar and corresponding display stays at disposal to users.

4. Column of type reference to N records and query with references to N records
ObjectGears enables to define a column containg references to N records. User can then easily select whatever combination of values. Multiple references are supported also in queries, that return data in much more user friendly form than standard SQL.

5. Inheritance
There are data that have certain common features but differ in another ones. Various configuration items are a good example. Entities like data center, hardware, database, application or service have very different properties. Some of them are physical ones, some only logical or conceptual ones. Nevertheless, all of them are configuration items from perspective of the Configuration management process. All of them have e.g. its owner, code or planned date of revision. ObjectGears enables approaching such items similarly like in object programming - both from the perspective of a common parent object and single definition of common properties and from the perspective of particular detailed entities. At the same time it is possible to reference them as a parent object (configuration items) and as particular child objects (data centers, hardware, databases etc.).
This brings also a benefit of using a single column in which relation to other items are stored instead of work with many columns, each for a particular entity. If I define e.g. Request for Change, I can specify in one field which it actually concerns, no matter if it is change involving process, application or building.

6. Localization
ObjectGears is localized into several languages. Furthermore, it enables effectively localize also applications created on this platform including entity names, columns, buttons, local help, messages from scripts etc. This property is important from the perspective of creating model or application that shall reflect user language and can be used in international environment. Any data displayed to user can be localized and can be exported from ObjectGears, translated and imported again.
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