ObjectGears Starting pack


What is the target of ObjectGears Starting pack?

1. Distribution of information about IT systems in  particular tools or various Excel overviews is a reality of most companies
2. There is lack of consolidated overview putting information in context for a competent decision - dependencies, risks, collisions, duplicities, environment heterogenity, outdated systems
3. Information is repeatedly collected and situation mapped for particular projects, tasks, audits...
4. Current customer systems are often difficult to extend because they are specialized for a particular area or have limited integration possibilities
5. Business users / management require information about systems that they use, however, adequate data views are not available

ObjectGears starting pack - context for a competent decision - dependencies, risks, collisions, duplicities, environment heterogenity, outdated systems

How is ObjectGears Starting pack deployed?

1. We define with customer areas that need to be solved - e.g. applications, servers, hardware, databases,  business processes, validity of certificates and service contracts, business and technical services, incidents, projects, changes, application releases...and dependencies of these entities
2. We take current data if they exist and interview employees to get information that is so far not availabe/recorded
3. We import data in ObjectGears, set access rights and train users

What does customer get at the end?

consolidated overview of all information  about IT systems1. Customer gets a central consolidated overview of all information  about IT systems
2. Knowledge Base connected to Configuration Database
3. The model is easily extensible according to customer need
4. Data can be shared with business - required information can be provided
5. Particular configuration items have a defined owner
6. User activity in the system is subject of access rights  management and audit trail
7. Data are available via web interface, on mobile devices and can be integrated with other systems (web services, imports/exports of files etc.)

How much does it cost?

Total of 3.300 EUR excl. VAT for:
  • ObjectGears Starting pack licence for 50 users incl. 1 year maintenance (free new versions of ObjectGears)
  • 5 mandays of ObjectGears consultant for data collection, adjusting application to company needs and user training